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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Table of Contents
Volume 8, Issue 3, pp. 291-518

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Tensor Equivalents for Solution of Linear Systems: A Parallel Algorithm

John de Pillis

pp. 291-312

Inherited Matrix Entries: Principal Submatrices of the Inverse

Wayne W. Barrett, Charles R. Johnson, D. D. Olesky, and P. van den Driessche

pp. 313-322

Digraph Decompositions and Eulerian Systems

André Bouchet

pp. 323-337

Permutations with Restricted Displacement

Henry Beker and Chris Mitchell

pp. 338-363

Markov Maps and the Spectral Radius of 0-1 Matrices

W. Byers and A. Boyarsky

pp. 364-374

An Application of Generalized Tree Pebbling to Sparse Matrix Factorization

Joseph W. H. Liu

pp. 375-395

An Algorithm to Improve Nearly Orthonormal Sets of Vectors on a Vector Processor

Bernard Philippe

pp. 396-403

Network Resilience

Charles J. Colbourn

pp. 404-409

Quasi-Monotonic Sequences: Theory, Algorithms and Applications

Andrzej Ehrenfeucht, Jeffrey Haemer, and David Haussler

pp. 410-429

A Hill-Climbing Algorithm for the Construction of One-Factorizations and Room Squares

J. H. Dinitz and D. R. Stinson

pp. 430-438

On Gossiping with Faulty Telephone Lines

Ramsey W. Haddad, Shaibal Roy, and Alejandro A. Schäffer

pp. 439-445

Computing a Sparse Basis for the Null Space

John R. Gilbert and Michael T. Heath

pp. 446-459

A Class of Efficient Values for Games in Partition Function Form

Edward M. Bolger

pp. 460-466

The Structure of Monomial Circulant Matrices

William C. Waterhouse

pp. 467-482

Invertible Selfadjoint Extensions of Band Matrices and Their Entropy

Robert L. Ellis, Israel Gohberg, and David C. Lay

pp. 483-500

A Projection Decomposition for Bivariate Discrete Probability Distributions

Devendra Chhetry and Allan R. Sampson

pp. 501-509

Optimal Assignments for Consecutive-$2$ Graphs

D. Z. Du and F. K. Hwang

pp. 510-518